Monday, November 14, 2011

Check Out My Video!

I'm not really comfortable in front of the camera, but after awhile it does get easier!  The quality of this video in terms of lighting, sound, etc. does need work.  I was by myself and had to use two boxes stacked on top of each other to hold the camera.   My goal for this video was to practice my on screen presence and show people some of our best selling products.  We have a lot of unique products and I need to get the word out.  I'm going to be doing several of these videos that includes instructional videos, tips, tricks, etc. on how to make soap, how to make scrubs, aromatherapy information, and information about ingredients in cosmetics.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Almost a Year - In Review

It's been a very long time since I posted to this blog.  I truly intend on getting this thing up and running with soap and skin care recipes, tips, tricks, and much more!  But for now I'm going to talk a little bit about what has happened in the past year or so since my last post.

Theraganics has expanded to its own storefront!  I relocated from my home to our new spot in January.  We have been fully operational since about March.  We have a small production facility in back and a small retail spot in front.  It's a great little spot and we are so very proud of it. It's located in The Farm Shopping Center here in Tulsa, OK.  Here are some initial pictures from back a year ago:

Cute, isn't it?
It's only 735 square feet - but one of the great things going for it is that it has high ceilings - very high!

Here is Jen painting and prepping to pull up the carpet.

It was a very dark purple color.  Lovely carpet, but the color was just wrong.  I ended up giving it to a guy on Craigslist to use in his daughter's rooms on the one condition that he pulls it up!  The previous tenants had glued every square inch down with thick carpet glue.  It ended up taking 3 men pulling at the same time to get it up.  We ended up putting some nice laminate down for a natural look.  I don't know if I have a picture of that, but here is one of the displays when we first opened:

We managed to furnish the store fairly cheaply since we were working with a tight budget by scouting Craigslist and other places for good used furniture.  To this day people are amazed by how little we spent considering how great the store looks.

You can now find Theraganics in Whole Foods Tulsa and Whole Foods Oklahoma City.  Working with the Whole Foods staff has been wonderful.  They are some of the most friendly and helpful people I've encountered.  The Oklahoma City store just recently opened (October 12, 2011) and we were there doing a demo on the grand opening day!  Here is some pictures of our table display and our lotion sprays in the body care section:

The summer was kind of slow, but we did attend a few events.  Theraganics had a booth at the Home & Garden Expo.  Turnout was good because it was so hot outside - people wanted something to do indoors!  Here are a couple pictures from that event - July 2011:

Theraganics also had a booth at the 2011 Tulsa State Fair.  It was 10 days of pure energy.  Everyone was worn out to the max by the time it was over.  However, despite that we met some wonderful people.  I will post pictures of that booth display as soon as I can locate them.

All in all it has been a crazy year so far - we are looking forward to the holidays and revving up for an even better year in 2012.